
Explore and Export Honey Bee Health Data

A new download feature is now available on our data explorer at If you haven’t seen the data explorer before, it is packed full of charts and insights describing the observations made by this project since 2009. Now, you can request and immediately download the data represented in this explorer. Formerly, you could only get to the records for any single state and year by clicking on the interactive map. But now, a link in the last bullet under the text “How to access data” will take you to this form. There, you can create an account and fill out a short form that will help keep us informed about how the public is utilizing these data, allowing you to download all records for all years at once. As in the data explorer, all personal information about participants are excluded, and locations are abstracted to the county level to protect the confidentiality of participants.

The APHIS data explorer with download link provided at in cooperation with the Bee Informed Partnership.

Apiary inspectors, students, professional and casual scientists, or anyone wanting access to this federally funded project can now more easily download these data in a convenient format to conduct independent research.

As of this writing, the download includes 8,299 rows of data by 26 columns of results from 2009-2020. The 2021 data will be added when all processing is considered complete for the year and reports have been sent to participating beekeepers. The download includes Varroa and Nosema levels as well as viral and pesticide results.

Students and others producing interesting results are invited to let us know about your work by contacting us and sharing your findings using our contact form.